Observations from previously unexplored planet 2645BRL

As preliminary long-range tests indicated, the planet is capable of supporting life. In fact, it already has a variety of native life that appears to have evolved here. Be warned: the life on this planet is very odd. For the purposes of this report, we will focus on what seems to be the most dominant species.

The creatures are basically symmetrical, but quite grotesque. They have a central trunk, from which five major protrusions extrude. Four of the protrusions appear to be utilitarian in nature, for mobility and manipulating the environment around them. Each of these protrusions has smaller protrusions at the end. This is admittedly hard to describe. Observation shows the creatures tend to favor one side of the body, preferring to use just one of the four “utilitarian” protrusions over any of the others – indicating they don’t have the mental ability to operate all equally.

The fifth protrusion appears to be a sensory stalk protruding from the top of the trunk, where all the creature’s sensory organs are grouped together. This may be efficient, but it seems that if the creatures were to lose the stalk, they would lose all sensory input simultaneously and have to function without it. Certainly not a great design; it’s a wonder it has survived.

The creatures typically have some type of protective covering, but it is in no way uniform from one to the next — it can vary greatly in both color and volume. Most tend to have some of the covering on the sensory stalk; however, on some it is short, on some it is long — and some have none at all. The same is true for the torso and aforementioned protrusions: some have it all over, some have none at all, and there is every variation in between. It’s very inconsistent and quite disconcerting.

The creatures appear to have two genders, similar to us — so some kind of mating must be necessary to reproduce. However, their reproductive organs are located right next to their waste organs – and in some ways, share functions. Again, this may be efficient, but is obviously unsanitary.

Based on physical appearance alone, it’s clear that the creature is not at all highly evolved. It is the opinion of this research committee that we are well within parameters regarding the regulations on interfering with developing life forms. We further recommend exterminating the planet’s indigenous life to allow for our immediate expansion.

The first order of business will be to remove the unique, natural satellite that orbits the planet. Since the planet is the third in order from its yellow star, we can simply alter the satellite’s orbit and launch it into the star. Preparations have already begun.


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